Covid-19 Task Force: Keeping an eye out for a possible surge after the elections
Considering the low number of Covid-19 cases in Davao City and a positivity rate far below the acceptable 5%, the Davao City Covid-19 Task Force is still on the lookout for a possible increase in cases following the May 9 local and national elections.
Covid-19 Task Force: Keeping an eye out for a possible surge after the elections

Dr. Michelle Schlosser, Spokesperson for the Davao City Covid-19 Task Force, reported that as of May 20, 2022, the city had recorded four cases of Covid-19.

“Naa ta’y four cases as of May 20 but still kung basehan nato ang positivity rate still one percent below sa acceptable rate of the positivity rate na five percent. We are still bracing ourselves kay from May 9 naa ta’y gina-anticipate na surge and kinahanglan maghulat ta at least 14 days or two weeks. We are monitoring our cases, bracing ourselves ta. We are always wishing sa Covid-19 Task Force and the City Health Office (CHO) na unta dili mahitabo ang atong gikahadlukan nga magkaroon ug surge after the election,” Schlosser said on Friday.

Adding to the concern is the recent detection of the Omicron subvariant BA.2.12.1, which has entered the Philippines after it was detected in 14 individuals – 11 foreign tourists, two Metro Manila residents, and one resident of Puerto Princesa City in Palawan.

Schlosser said it’s a matter of time before the said subvariant will enter Davao City wherein there are no longer interlocal and interzonal restrictions and traveling in Davao City is already allowed.

“Atoang i-remind ang mga katawhan wala na tay restrictions interlocal and interzonal and travels are all permitted and we will never know kung ga-travel ang subvariant and what we can do as the moment is mag-protekta ta sa atoang sarili and in order for us to protect ourselves, we have to wear our face masks all the time, especially sa mga crowded areas. Pero since dili man nato makit-an ang atong kalaban we have to protect ourselves from the severity of the disease if in case we get the virus at least dili ta muabot sa point na ikamatay nato ang Covid-19. That is the very essence of receiving or having a vaccine,” she said.

Meanwhile, Shclosser reported that on May 19, 2022 the city recorded only one case of Covid-19, however, the patient, who was an unvaccinated senior citizen, died.

“For a long time wala na ta’y kaayo natala na deaths but on May 19 we have a case, one case pero death pud siya, a senior citizen and unfortunately wala siya nabakunahan. Based on history wala gyud siya ka receive ug vaccine. Maka-sad kay mao ni ang atong gustong iwasan,” she said.

Schlosser added that this is the reason why the city government of Davao is pushing for the vaccination of the vulnerable sector including senior citizens.

“Kay kasagaran sa ilaha pag dili bakunado succumb to death. Sila tong dali maigo and kung maigo man kay dako ang tsansa na ma-high risk sila and mauli sa kamatayon,” she said.

Infectious diseases expert Dr. Rontgene Solante reportedly claimed that Covid-19 cases in the country is expected to rise after one to two weeks as voters failed to comply with health protocols when they went to the polls on May 9.

He reported that the removal of face masks, lack of social distancing, and long wait in voting precincts without proper ventilation made the elections a potential super spreader activity.

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