The Davao City government plans to install 2,000 street lights
THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF DAVAO intends to install at least 2,000 street lights to remedy the city's lighting shortage.
The Davao City government plans to install 2,000 street lights

“Ang road networks nato karun mas nidaghan pa man gud, sa una wala pa gyud naga-agi diha kay dili pa kaayo maayo ang dalan wala gyud nay suga, unya karun daghan na og naga-agi ginadalanan na ang mga ubang lugar nato hinay-hinay pud gabutang ta og mga suga (We have a lot of new road networks. Thus, the reason why some of it doesn’t have lights yet but we are slowly going to install lights in those areas),” Sebastian Z. Duterte, Davao City Mayor, said in an interview with the Davao City Disaster Risk Radio on August 4, 2022.

Duterte stated that they will also investigate street lights that are not working. However, Davao Light and Power Company (Davao Light) stated that this occurrence had to be reported to them as well.

Katong mga street lights nga wala nagasiga, all they [the complainant] need to do is to report it sa amoang office para matagaan nato og action para ma-replace nato or ma-fix nato ang problem sa street lights (People should report the street lights that are not functioning to our office for us to be able to fix it),” Fermin Edillon said in a separate interview during the Press Conference in NCCC Victoria Plaza, on August 5, 2022.

Edillon stated that one of the projects they are working on with the City Government is the conversion of sodium lights to light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, which will be completed in 2023.

Davao Light completed at least 4,000 sodium light conversions in November 2019. Furthermore, Davao Light executive vice president and chief executive officer Rodger Velasco stated that the power company will bear the anticipated P400 million to P500 million cost of the project.

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